
Can you be prosecuted for showing your middle finger to a mobile speed camera?

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Can you be prosecuted for showing your middle finger to a mobile speed camera?




  1. if it happend to me  i would say " look, i wanted to look at my finger so i stuck it out the window to get a better view , cause sometimes im far-sighted "

  2. well i certainly hope its legal or i'm screwed

  3. Best Thing to do is..... Try it and find out. Good Luck!!

  4. Interesting question, if you had asked this a couple of years ago I would have said no. However now with the extended powers the police have I suspect that they would be able to prosecute you under there new powers.


  5. Yes.

    The operator can file for an obscene gesture as a public (dis)order act. Also, you may be considered for prosecution under the road traffic act as you unnecessarily had a hand off the wheel* and not in full control of your vehicle.

    *I remember national pres covering a procecution & helicopter suveilance of a woman eating an apple!

  6. Some as been fined for doing that in the past but well done anyway.

  7. Yes. Making an obscene gesture (or something very similar).

    A biker was prosecuted a few months ago for the very same thing.

  8. Nah dont think so

  9. Possible. Some jurisdictions have "public lewdness" statutes. But I really bet it would get laughed out of court.

  10. OMG - I hope not! I usually wave at traffic wardens as well!

  11. nah but u will get a speeding ticket

  12. depends on the laws where you are - I would err on the side of caution and not do it

  13. lol... no..... thats just getting your money's worth

  14. lol I hope not. if your going to speed might as well

  15. Really depends on where you live but in most places, no. The police have a non offend-able policy meaning you can cuss at them, give them the middle finger, just can't threaten them. As far as the camera goes, it is inanimate, can't be offended...Keep on saluting.

  16. yeah you probably can and if you were speeding it would make it worst, but you might get away with it

  17. i dont think so,why dont you try it and let us know?

  18. Only if the middle finger was doing 37 in a 30 zone !! :)

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