
Can you be put in a detention center at 16yr. for running away in florida?

by Guest32877  |  earlier

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can they actually hold you in a detention center just for running away in florida?




  1. idk. maybe.....

  2. Running away isn't illegal as far as I know.

  3. Yes, My grandsons mother now 19, Ran away and her mother reported her. While running she got into drugs and when they picked her up they put her in detention and also had adult charges for the drugs found on her. She is facing up to 6 years for everything combined. Of course the mother of this girl had been  abandoned by her family it was that the mother didn't want to be in trouble for neglect so she reported that she ran away. Sick people out there.

    Take care of your children . They are the future.

  4. NO! the law now sais that you are to be returned to your parents

  5. I would suggest that there has to be more to it,  than just "running away ".

    How about some more details ?

    Jim b. Toronto.

  6. no, but you can probably end up on drugs, working as a prostitue or murdered for a cigarette if you don't have a stable home to live in. Not too many 16 year old runaways make much of themselves (That movie pretty woman - that was all fictional)

  7. YES! my mom used to work at a detention center, and shes had younger than 16 year old girls there for running away. oh and i saw there outfits. they're fuglier than i ever imagined. so if u ran away, you might want to go back, or go out of the state. just go back. gosh

  8. Hello,

    For running away No, it is not legal.  The only way is if you have committed a crime, then yes.

    Good Luck, we have all gone through this sort of thing, just be careful as not to get into / with bad company.

    Minny :-)

  9. i would'nt of done that and if u ran away how would u have a computer?

  10. According to Florida law, a juvenile under the age of 18 (who has not been emancipated or is not legally married) can either be returned to the parents or held by the yes, they can be put in detention.

    This would be decided on a case by case basis. Generally speaking, if the parents are not believed to be abusive, the child is returned home. If however, the parents bring evidence that the child is extremely unruly or unmanageable, or that the child is a habitual runaway, then the court might decide on detention for the childs own safty and that of the public.

    If the parents are believe the be abusive, the court would likely place the child in temporary custody until an investigation was done, or the child was placed in another safer environment.

    The 2008 laws in Florida Relating to runaways can be found here:

  11. Not for running away,however they can keep a minor in a childrens home.

  12. The answer is yes and no.... no the first time or two, but if there is a continuing pattern and the courts deem the juvy incorragable, then anytime they run, then YES from then on they will be placed in detention.

  13. Yes you can and we have lots of them

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