
Can you be schizophrenic without seeing things, and hearing things?

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So my closest friend was diagnosed with Schizophrenia ...

This is exactly what she told her doctor:

-Shes scared to leave her house with out thinking something horrible might happen to her, or loved ones

-nobody can do anything (as far as cleaning, taking care of her children) because they can't do it like her

-she gets angry at nothing

-horrible sleep schedule/ shes good for a week then, she can't sleep for a few weeks (back and forth)

-when shes down and out all she eats is junk (who doesn't?), she gains 10 pounds a month, loses it the next month --- then it goes up and down again (somewhat in that order)

-always nervous (goes back to the first thing she said to the doctor)

-When a mood does hit, she won't shower for like 2-3 days

-she also has moments where she is in a bad mood and takes herself away from everybody

-she blames herself for everything even if she was told that it wasn't her fault, and can be proved, someway some how it was her fault.

-and that girl can argue

But as I look at the "signs" of a schizophrenic they also have feelings that people are out to get them, they hear and see things ...

She has none of that, would you do a second a opinion or can you be schizophrenic without the paranoid?




  1. I'm schizophrenic, and that doesn't sound like schizophrenia to me. I didn't have visual or auditory hallucinations (except for hearing voices in my head), but I did have delusions, things I believed to be true despite the fact that they weren't. I was also paranoid. She sounds more OCD or agoraphobic to me, or possibly bipolar. If possible, she should get a second opinion.

  2. You can be schizophrenic without being paranoid.  Paranoid schizophrenic is only one form of schizophrenia.  

    Although I obviously haven't talked to your friend, from what I read, I'm not sure where the doctor gets the schizophrenia diagnosis.  I would have thought severe anxiety or panic disorder.

    Is the doctor a psychiatrist or a GP?    A GP should not be making this kind of diagnosis.  Only specialists should....

    If your friend is not happy with the diagnosis or with the doctor, she should get another opinion or more importantly, see a psychiatrist.

    Good luck

  3. My mom was diagnosed as being schizophrenic and it was because of basically the same exact reasons as your friend but because she doesnt see or hear things one of the other "deciding" factors between the doctors diagnosing her as being schizophrenic and something else is her irrational decisions--which seems to be like what your friend is going through. Even hearing that though a second opinion may be a good choice just because another opinion is always good to hear--that person may even have more reasoning behind her diagnosis.

    Either way--I hope the best for you and your friend as you journey through your lives.


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