So my closest friend was diagnosed with Schizophrenia ...
This is exactly what she told her doctor:
-Shes scared to leave her house with out thinking something horrible might happen to her, or loved ones
-nobody can do anything (as far as cleaning, taking care of her children) because they can't do it like her
-she gets angry at nothing
-horrible sleep schedule/ shes good for a week then, she can't sleep for a few weeks (back and forth)
-when shes down and out all she eats is junk (who doesn't?), she gains 10 pounds a month, loses it the next month --- then it goes up and down again (somewhat in that order)
-always nervous (goes back to the first thing she said to the doctor)
-When a mood does hit, she won't shower for like 2-3 days
-she also has moments where she is in a bad mood and takes herself away from everybody
-she blames herself for everything even if she was told that it wasn't her fault, and can be proved, someway some how it was her fault.
-and that girl can argue
But as I look at the "signs" of a schizophrenic they also have feelings that people are out to get them, they hear and see things ...
She has none of that, would you do a second a opinion or can you be schizophrenic without the paranoid?