
Can you be too attracted to your spouse?

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To start we are in our early 30's.. we have been together since high school. 2 wonderful kids. I would say we have maintained a successful marriage over the years. We get along great no real drama in our relationship. s*x is wonderful, frequent and both enjoy.

However.. I feel like my attraction to my wife is over running my mind. I think about her 24 hours a day and my need to be with her sexually is almost uncontrollable. We go on dates watch movies etc. I am home every night don't drink play with the kids.. So we are also spending plenty of family / non-sexual time together.

Is this a normal sexual appetite? Does anyone else feel the way I do? It almost feels out of control like I can't function in a normal way without some sort of sexual contact every 12 hours..:)

PS it's only about her.. I don't really care for other women.. so it's not like I am a sexual mad man and would take any thing I could get.. it's just with my wife.




  1. Good for you!!! and good for your wife!!!  that's perfectly normal ... don't stop your sexual desires on your wife... let her know that you want her... steal some kisses on the base of her neck while she's washing the dishes and whisper in her ear that you'll be waiting in the room naked for her... just little gestures to let her know that you're so hot for her... i'm sure she would love that... spice up your sexual life by introducing new positions and let her know that it's only her... i'm sure she'll catch on! the next thing you know, she won't be able to get her hands off you too!!!

    You don't need to change anything!  spend time with the kids and such just let your wife now that you'll be pleasuring her as soon as the kids go to bed!!!

    Good luck and have fun!!!

    s*x is good, specially if it's with someone you truly love & lust for!!!

  2. I know your feeling, I've been married for 17 years, I help cook, sometimes do dishes or the laundry, I help with the 2 kids we have. and never have cheated on my wife, don't really have the need to. I am at work and see a pretty girl go by then all at once start thinking about my wife. wondering whats she doing, then I start thinking about how nice it would be to be sexually with her. We make love about 3 times a week, I see her bend over and I just want to jump her bones, I am not like that with other women. It's weird

  3. Maybe its just your s*x drive.   I wouldnt really say u have a problem, as you didnt mention you are addicted to p**n, or sleep with random women to satisfy your appetite.

    Geez...I wish my husband was like u!

  4. This is a really great thing, actually. . I'm sure you really satisfy her. She couldn't ask for a better husband!

  5. Wow, that is absolutely wonderful. how good you must make her feel good. i hope she does the same for you in return.

    however, give her a little space to appreciate you. its easy to take things for granted. i am speaking from the heart & others here can agree w/ me or not. i am only speaking from experience: give her a little space. sometimes do not stare @ her. you will need to do things from time to time that will not be about her. only you know your life & am sure can find areas where you can stand to do things slighly differently. not negatively , just differently.

    though she may love you like crazy ( obviously b/c you've been together since high school), she might be giving some signals that are motivated by her  subconscious that show that she feels a bit smothered.  otherwise, why would you have posted your question here?

  6. Nothing wrong with that at all. My husband and I are like that. We have been together a long time too.  

  7. You sound pretty normal to me, thou too good to be true but Normal..

    You desire her because she makes you happy, not only in bed but else where too..Like you said wonderful life together, great kids..Can you ask anything more then this..

    I hope you make happy as much she makes you

    Good Luck and Enjoy your wonderful life together..

  8. Wow! I think you are a great husband. I think its great to be too attracted to your wife. Most married couples are trying to find ways to stay attracted and you are thinking about your wife 24/7! That's absolutely fantastic!

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