I have this ex whom I've known now for about 9 years (we met when I was only 15) now who I feel I'm overly loyal to. We were eachother's first loves and only broke up cause her parents forced her to (I am two years younger then her and apparently that is 'horrible' or something). Anyway, after the break-up we didn't speak for about a year, and I moved to a different city. But when we reconnected it was as if we had never spent one day apart. She came to visit me and it was really special. Anyway.. flash forward about 7 years.. we see each other on occasion when we are in each others town and sometimes don't speak for months at a time. I had always placed her above every other girl in the world because she was my first love and somehow I guess I always thought we would be together again. But, I am 23 now and I'm ready for a serious relationship.. I am considering that maybe I was just holding on to 'the idea' of her rather then her. What do you gus think? (we've both obviously been in different relationships durring our friendship)