
Can you be ugly and still have confidence?

by  |  earlier

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I just feel like the only girls I see that are confident are attractive what about those who aren't?

Please no mean answers :]




  1. only if u believe.

  2. tough luck on that. can you be a chearleader and fat. what's up with the stereotype question. there's no boundary to confidence. i mean, unless you let words get to you.  

  3. sure can, maybe because they know that good looking just ain't that important.  confident is not he same as arrogant.  I find many good looking people shallow and without real merit

  4. Are you kidding? The only confident people I see are ALL ugly.

  5. yes you can, once you get the attitude thats all you need

  6. if your confident with yourself, you'll stand out.

    i guess the "pretty" girls stand out to you because they put their selves out there.


  7. Ummm...well I'm not that pretty (according to social standards) but I've got some confidence...The only confident girls I see are pretty's only because they know that people will love them or love to hate's a shame too

  8. Hi,

    you know, i could stand to lose about 10 pounds or just tone up and i am all insecure about it.  meanwhile, there are these women who are 100 pounds overweight at the beach strutting around in a bikini like they are the hottest thing ever.  they are proud of what they have and make no apologies for it.  i envy them so much.  i wish i had half their confidence.

    so, yeah, people don't have to be the next society's/media's idea of supermodel to have confidence.  and, i think they look better too.

    learn to love yourself, your insides and then you will learn to love your outsides as well.  accept yourself as you were born and be proud of it - realize your own beauty, inside and out.

    love you for you and your confidence will grow, and other people will see your beauty too.  

  9. Yes. I'm not particularly good looking and I'd say I'm pretty confident. If not confident, then very opinionated and loud.

    I think though generally (and unfortunately... I hate to stereotype though) I think some less attractive girls tend to be less confident, probably because a lot of the confident/attractive girls tend to be douches and tease others. (I was never one of those... I generally was too mean looking to be messed with. =D If any girls messed with me, they'd get it.)

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