
Can you become Air Traffic Controller with a degree in aviation scinence and have 2 dui's when u were young?

by Guest45279  |  earlier

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Can you become Air Traffic Controller with a degree in aviation scinence and have 2 dui's when u were young?




  1. The first responder was correct.  You will have a tough time overcoming your history.

    The FAA has no tolerance for alcohol abuse.  If you were to be tested positive for alcohol on duty, you might be fired or given a 'last chance' opportunity to go through counseling and enter into a 'last chance' agreement.

    That agreement would require you to never drink alcohol again, even off duty, for the rest of your career.  They have enforced this.

    Getting another off duty DUI might result in a similar outcome.

    That being said, the FAA is desparate to hire new air traffic controller trainees.  So your chances of being hired today, even with your history, are better than ever.

    Click here to find out why:

  2. Nothing is impossible, however your path will be very difficult.  The FAA frowns on alcohol abuse, and if you try to do this, you will need to show them positive progress toward overcoming what (in their eyes anyway) will seem to be a significant alcohol abuse problem.

    By that I mean you should probably be enrolled in and attending AA meetings at least a couple times a week and probably an active member of some sort of anti-drinking education program, like MADD.

    Now, I am not suggesting that simply because you made some mistakes when you were younger that you are an alcoholic, I am simply suggesting that in order to get the job with the FAA, you may want to consider these steps as resume builders.  Oh and don't ever drink and drive again.

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