
Can you become a solicitor in the uk if you had a 'instant'/'simple' police caution over 5 years ago?

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Can you become a solicitor in the uk if you had a 'instant'/'simple' police caution over 5 years ago?




  1. Yeah sure, as long as you study to become a solicitor it doesn't matter that you've had caution. However an actual arrest would affect your chances of becoming a solicitor.

  2. That is not a basis for a legal education or qualification.

    You need to learn the law at University.

  3. i didnt think  a simple caution goes on to your record :S

  4. It depends what the caution was for. If it was for an honesty offence (eg, theft) that it may well be a bar to practice. It is for the Law Society to decide, and they will decide on the facts of your case and on a face to face interview you will have them once you apply to join. If it was for something small and petty (public order offence), then a simple explanation to them will suffice on application

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