
Can you become a teacher in America with a foriegn college degree?

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I am getting married to a women from the Ukraine who is a high school teacher there. Will her degree allow her to become a teacher in any capacity here or does she have to start over in a local college?




  1. She will not have to start all over with schooling, but she will have to go through some testing to get certified to teach in the US.

  2. as a non american teacher myself married to an american u need to first get her immigration paperwork sorted out.- yes i went through taht nightmare-

    once they give u a  temp workign visa u are good to go.

    most states get u to contact the WES world education service who look at her transcripts from her colleges and " evaluate them"

    what this means practically is that yr to-be wife needs to get her colleges to send the WES in a signed stamped back of envelope, a full transcript course by course.

    the angency then send it to whatever education state  office that u live in.

    alos get her to get copies of certificates and  licenses.

    and u will also need a copy of yr marriage certificate.

    yes its a pain- i had to go through it twice as my unis first sent the certificates and transcripts to me and sent them on - they dotn accept that!!!!

    i also had to take a test in my subject area to check if i knew my stuff. - yep after  9 years of teaching they stil want evidence.

  3. Chances are she won't need to.

    I think a good first step of to have her College/Training Degree evaluated to see what it's equivalent to in the US, thereby allowing your wife to gauge if she can teach in the US without anymore steps.

  4. Yes, as well as doctor and lawyer.

  5. No you cannot. Not even a doctor or lawyer. There are different policies here in America even if you have a degree somewehre else, she will have to take exams, get fingerprinted, depending on where you are, perhaps a few courses. She will not have to start over, but she will need an OFFICIAL translation of her degree by an official translator of the US. Any college can give you information on how to do that. SHe will need an official translated transcripts. I know someone thishappened to. And it depends what subject. Here there are no "general "high school teachers. They are all specialized in something.  

  6. In order to teach at a high school in the US you need to have at least a bachelor's and be a certified teacher. It all depends on what degree she has. I know that in eastern european countries you don't need to get a special teaching degree, or at least you didn't when I was there. She'll have to get in touch with a high school she's interested in and ask them if her education is equivalent to a teaching degree. Good luck and congrats!

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