
Can you believe Giuliani insulted Muslims the world over?

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Who you are insulting when you call someone an Islamic Terrorist, you are insulting terrorists. I have heard some terribly discriminatory things come out of politicians, but I think that might just be the worst.




  1. Noun, verb, 9/11. Giuliani is a loser trying to find a spot in the Republican't party. He's like Lieberman, an idiot without a party.

  2. well let's see :

    a few islamic terrorists blew up two buildings in his city killing over 300 firemen and police and he got to watch people jumping to their deaths to become only blood in the middle of a NYC street

    I wonder why being PC about Muslim extremism is not in his vocabulary

    You are a troll

  3. Yes I can believe it.  When are they going to stop attacking and talking about what their administration has done for our country.

  4. I was like dayum! Did he really just say that. The crowd was uncomfortable.

  5. kool-aid drinker leftest is what you are, he didn't mean it like that, he meant that most of our terrorist are muslim sad but true.

    I heard Obama say it was OKAY to kill a baby AFTER birth what is more evil than that?

  6. you should read what you just posted ( and yes I just heard him).

    your spin does not work

  7. I'm an older Independent, born and raised in New York, spent the majority of my life there....Trust me, Giuliani wasn't as well liked as it seemed....What he said about Muslims was disgraceful....I'm not going to say what I think of the rest of what he's saying....This is only a small example of why he wasn't voted back into office....

    I was taught to always look at things from all sides, and understand things are not always as they appear....Such is my opinion of the Republican ticket at this point....

  8. its true, there are islams and islamic terrorist. whats the matter with that?

    there are chinese and chinese terrorists!

    he said islamist terrorist. you have a problem or are just proving what he said that you guys are afraid to say it? afraid to offend an islamic terrorist?

  9. He totally insulted a religion, he went there and I didn't like it.

  10. Of course I can believe it.

    It's Rudy ******* Giuliani.

  11. I think that since Giuliani seems to  have forgotten that those who insist in doing the wrong thing come from all kinds of backgrounds and religions.

    I am starting to think that since he left the Mayoral office he has been bought & sold.

    He has always been the type of person to say what was on his mind no matter what anyone else thought.

    but to make a statement like that (especially now during Ramadan) is in poor taste.

    I hope the Yakuza, Russian Mob, MS13 and other such groups go after him.  He needs to be reminded that there's more terrorizing groups out there & not to put all of the blame on one Religion.

  12. if he said something bad about muslim terrorist that would be one thing..all he said was that the term "muslim terrorist" shouldn't be used as an insult and if it was considered an insult, than that was dumb because muslim terrorist are muslim, and they are terrorist. so where's the problem?

  13. because the muslins are terrorist! You cant change this Georgia Girls mind, McCain Palin 08!

  14. Giuliani is a loser...and is running on air. What a bag of hot air!!


  16. Wow, if I was an Islamic Terrorist I'd be plotting my next move against the republican party.


  18. I can believe it...why would it matter if Obama was a Muslim or not if the GOP did not think that all Muslims were Islamic Terrorists?

  19. Not all of them, just the ones that want to bomb us. Weren't you listening?  

  20. Yes, he's speaking the truth, don't try and forget 9/11. I live in NY so Giuliani is speaking the truth.He said Islamic Terrorist because they killed thousands of American , so he knows what he's

  21. Who the h**l would want these republicans to continue heading our country! Giuliani is a idiot and I think he will eat some of his words!

  22. I think it is ok to insult terrorists.

    I don't need to talk to them.

    I don't want them here.

  23. Here is what was said:

    GIULIANI: For four days in Denver, the Democrats were afraid to use the term “Islamic terrorism.” I imagine they believe it is politically incorrect to say it. I think they believe they will insult someone. Please tell me, who they are insulting if they say, “Islamic terrorism.” They are insulting terrorists!

    translation:  Giuliani stated that being a Muslim is worse than being a terrorist.

  24. I would imagine you are calling then Islamic terrorists.. and that is what the terrorists are.. what is the problem.

  25. you're insulting the Islamic Terrorists....

    what more is there to that?

  26. Who hit the twin towers?  It was Islamic terrorists!  I hope the h**l he insulted them!

  27. No I don't believe that. I believe he insulted people that want to do us harm and I say s***w 'em.

  28. I didn't see his speech -- but I have a sneaking feeling that you're twisting his words.  

    After all, that's what liberals so often do.    

    They usually can't win on the merits of the issues -- so they resort to misrepresentation, word-twisting, and personal attacks.

    That's why liberals are going around saying, for instance, that McCain is opposed to equal pay for equal work for women.

    Liberals know perfectly well that McCain does not believe that -- but they will say it anyway, with the full complicity of their media friends, because they will say and do ANYTHING to win.   No matter how blatantly dishonest.


  29. Giuliani is a self righteous, woman dressing, two timing, mixed up, flip flop pen dictator

  30. No, but I can believe he insulted terrorists.

  31. Yeah, he basically said that all Islamics are terrorists. Did they really think they were helping themselves by having him speak?

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