
Can you believe Palin *actually* asked what a VP does??

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She doesn't even understand what she's running for.

Do people actually think that's good?

Would you hire someone as a pilot if they told you they didn't even know what a pilot does?




  1. Who wants a hockey mom for vp.

    and McCain's reason for choosing her is "She's attractive.....appealing to the audience"

  2. yet according to her supporters, she has executive experience?

  3. I'm pretty sure that a vice president doesn't fly the airplane for the president, so I'm not too worried about the pilot thing.

    However, perhaps you would like to tell us all just what IS it the vice president "does"?

    Don't know, do you?

  4. She was a desperate pick.

  5. Republicans will realize how "..." they are to trust an elderly guy like McCain!

  6. Now she knows. Obama still does know what an executive does.

  7. What does that tell you about McCain?

  8. I think she has wonderful experience on foreign affairs because her state is so close to Russia.  Karl Rove made a huge tactical error on this one.  

  9. She doesn't have to know anything. McCain chose her to pander to women. Should he be elected, she won't do anything except maybe wave the flag and pledge allegiance to the flag. Can she spell P-O-T-A-T-O-E?

  10. she is a gimmick



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