
Can you believe Rush Limbaugh just said any attack against Palin is an attack against women?

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Does that also mean that any attacks on Obama are attacks against blacks?




  1. Wow, Rush said that?  You should definitely whine louder so more people can see he's running a n**i camp over there.  

    At least he didn't go after Obama's kids, though.  

  2. I love liberals who listen to Rush.  LOL

  3. it is an attack against women. obama is being attacked because he is a liar, hangs out with terrorists, felons, wacked out racist priests, thinks running for president is "experience", thinks having a baby is a "punishement", thinks being a "community organizer" is experience, that is why he is being "attacked" as you say. being black has nothing to do with it. palin on the other hand has more experience as a vice presidential candidate than obama has as the presidential candidate, she has been a mayor, is the governor, has accomplished more that he ever has, is a wife and mother of five, THAT is why she is being attacked. is anyone asking how he can be president with two daughters and a working wife? no, they only ask that about her. geez.

  4. I think we all need to quit whining and just get the election over with.

  5. So all his attacks against Clinton are ok then? He has to be the worlds biggest hypocrite.

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