
Can you believe how ignorant some people are of our government?

by  |  earlier

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I just posted a question about free speech zones, and one guy, shamrock,called me an idiot then a liar saying their were no such things as free speech zones. Does it bother you that we share the political arena with people who have no clue what is going on? Is their anything we can do about this? This guys vote counts teh same as a person who knows everything.

in case anyone doubts else is unclear about this.

or in case you think wikipedia is too liberal,2933,226201,00.html




  1. Some people have trouble admitting that there party is corrupt...I admit Bill Clinton was corrupt, just think his corruption hurt less people than Bush's

  2. wait we can only use free speach in these zones!  F that!

  3. Yea i remember those zones heh. lets allthe protesters protest inside a little gate or else they can be detained. but yea if you think thats bad ask a few people how the president of the usa is selected. But anyways free speech zones = bad

    hopefully things like that will be taken out but its more likely that people in power like them because now they can live in their happy fantasy world.

  4. Yes...some can't even answer basic US history questions they ask in the citizenship test...can you believe it?

  5. When they get C minuses in Yale, no I am not at all surprise. What I am surprised by is the fact that the American public voted this baboon posing as politician into office not once but twice.

  6. a free speech zone SHOULD include the entire United States.

  7. What annoys me is the 'ditto heads' who just chant 'me too, me too' then go and vote.  They never bother to inform themselves about the issues or how their vote could affect their life.  Mainly they sit fixated on the television with it draining their brain with sound bites hitting hot buttons to make them go vote, but never letting them know the whole truth of the issue at hand

  8. ignore it..why do you need a free speech ZONE?? this free speech nonsense is crazy

  9. It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people are about a great many things.  And all them seem to hang out in Yahoo Answers.

  10. chill out buddy, there are some stupid people on here and they're usually the ones that call names.  Shamrock may call you an idiot but he proves he is one with his own words, so why care?

  11. Though it distresses me, I have seen and experienced first-hand the ignorance, often arrogant ignorance, of which you speak.  Sadly the debate(s) denigrate to attacks on persons rather than the core issues.  No governmental system will ever succeed in legislating/dictating morals, ethics or integrity.  It can only encourage by reward and discourage by punishment.  These things can only be taught via example.  And it must begin in the home at an early age.  If the youngster witnesses informed, healthy debate among adults, the toddler will do likewise in later life when he/she has legal recourse (The Vote) to affect others and effect change.

    The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.

      - Robert Jackson

  12. yeap.......................................

  13. It's topics like that I don't care to touch people are offended easily we as americans can only take in so much before we get abrasive

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