
Can you believe how the Clintons are trying to make fools of the American voters?

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See the new Obama ad using Bill Clinton against Hillary.

Once again the Clintons have made an error in judgement in deciding to promote fear as their strategy in this election.





  1. Yes, they did it before.

  2. Hillary will be contacting you about your attitude.

  3. This is what I think the Clinton strategy is now.

    Hillary's no fool. She knows she can no longer win the 2008 presidential: mathematically she cannot win the nomination unless she uses the Clinton mega-influence on the democratic party to get the supergelegates vote massively for her, have the Michigan and Florida delegates reinstated and so on...  but that is uncertain and in any case that would amount to insulting the voters and therefore would ruin her chances and tear apart the party. I don't think she will actually do that because that would be self-destructive. But she leaves this as an open option if only to keep her supporters going and to give an apparent justification for her staying in the race.

    In fact  she aims at getting elected in 2012. In order to achieve that she must ensure McCain's election. She knows that if Obama gets elected he's likely to be there for 8 years and she's not as young as she used to be. On the other hand President McCain might  well be dead by 2012, either politically (would 4 more years of war be enough d'you think?) or from a heart failure.  So she must make sure that Barrack Obama is nominated (not too difficult, he can take care of that part), but she must also make sure that he loses against McCain by attacking him relentlessy. If she were nominated now, it would be bad for her as she would lose the General Election.

    This is why she's being purely negative, anti-Obama. She wants him to lose. So now she's trying to stay as long as she can, to attract the media's attention, and to destroy Obama's image.

    If you view things that way then her behaviour makes sense.

    Now the question is: does the democratic party see through this, and is it willing to let her have her way in this?

  4. Bill did it!!!

  5. I notice that too in her 3 AM ad.  She has to use fear and scare voters to vote for her.

  6. It's extremely easy to make fools out of American voters. They have very poor memories.

  7. Judging from many of the Q & A's I read on YA, I really don't believe a lot of our voters need any help in that regard.

  8. Clinton  Obama  McCain  what's the difference?

  9. Hillary 08!!

  10. You democrats are all fools. Sucker punched and don't even know it. You have been Bamboozled my blind friend.

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