
Can you believe in God but not the bible?

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Can you believe in God but not the bible?




  1. Yes.  I'm a Deist and I do just that.

  2. Jews do it all day long.

  3. yea. my father, he believed in god but called the bible 'the book of disguised evil' or something like that

  4. Depnds on what God you are talking about.

    Everything we know about the God of Abraham, Moses,etc is the God who says he created us the world and everything in it. This is the God of the Bible.

    Where else do we find scripture about this God and His story and how he feels about us and our relationship to him.

    If you believe in the living God and Jesus, you have to believe the Bible.

  5. The Bible is myth. It does not explain the mystery of our being. so sure.

  6. i don't believe in either, but i know plenty of people who do believe in some kind of not very well defined god, but not the bible. the bible is a book full of fairy tales and propaganda. not believing it is just common sense.

  7. You can believe in whatever you want.  That won't make it true.  I like to stick with things I KNOW.  I look less foolish in the end.

  8. Then it must not be the God that Christians worship. The Bible is God's law & without it you can be bamboozled. =]

  9. Sure your just not really considered christian then. Just someone who believes in a higher power. After all the bible is just a history book put together by a couple of guys at Naace and they did leave a few things out you know.  

  10. My  brothers and sisters, how can someone believe in God but not the bible which he has declared is his word? How do you understand who God is if you dont even believe in the bible? How can one believe in life, but not believe in death? Or say I had a father who was alive but I couldnt see him. I believed he existed but the letters that he left behind for me to read  I didnt believe in. Whats the use? Whoever claims to be christian but doesnt even believe in the bible which teaches christians how to live is completely blind. Excuse me if I sound a little rash but this is simply the truth. I dont think God would be upset at me for declaring this. The bible is the written word of God. Many religions have come and created different bibles and so forth. But those who know God hears his voice and understands what is true.

  11. Yes.

    Deist with a B.A. in Anthropology (Archaeology)

  12. Yes. What existed first? The Bible or God?  There were books before and after the Bible that reference a supreme being.  Millions of people believe in God-Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Bhais,  and they don't read the bible.

  13. you can not believe in God if you do not believe the word He has given you.  

  14. You can believe in anything you want.  Believing doesn't equal correct.

  15. Yes, you can believe in whatever you want. I'm Christian and I don't take the bible word for word.

  16. Not the christian God.

  17. yes of course, your own god

  18. you can do whatever the h**l you wanna do. It's a free will.

  19. Yes.  

  20. Yes I meditate and God resides withing me

    : )

    And you can be Spiritual without being Religious

    Just because people are Religious does not make them Spiritual !

    Love & Blessings


  21. Yes you can.  If you still want to follow a religious text than the Qaran and the Torah both have the same god as the Bible.  But you can be a deist and follow god (but not the texts written by man significantly after Jesus died) and I think that is perfectly respectable as well.

  22. The Bible only is for the Christian god.  If you believe in a differnt type of god you do not have to believe in the Bible

  23. You can believe in whatever you want to

  24. Yes you can...but the bible is God's word so I guess you would think He is a liar.

  25. No.

    The truth is that Jesus is God.  There is no other God.  

    And Jesus is called the Word of God in the Bible.  He and His Word, the Bible, are inseparable  :)

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  26. The Devil believes in God...big deal!

    The Bible tells us of Gods plan and purpose and asks that we take Him at His Word with regard to what He has REVEALED to be His will. He asks us to cooperate with Him IN this revealed plan and purpose, beginning with His assessment of our LOST condition and His ONLY provision to correct it, which is the finished work of the Cross.

    So...Yea. But believing in God will NOT save you. God has told us what will save us, and that is taking God at His Word when He says we have all sinned, that Jesus paid the price for our sin debt and rose from the dead to prove that His sacrifice was accepted on our behalf. Without what Christ did, NONE OF us could have EVER been reconciled to God or allowed into His HOLY presence. Only thru Christ do we have any basis for a relationship with a HOLY GOD.

  27. If you are smart enough not to believe in the bible, then you should be smart enough not to believe in God.

  28. Technically, yes.

  29. yes. simply, yes.  

  30. Of course...plenty of people are just like that.

  31. I really think you have to believe in both. The Bible is God's word. God had prophets that wrote some of the books of the Bible. Revelations is the last book of the Bible. It was written by a prophet that was exiled on an island because of his beliefs in God. God put him in a deep sleep and this prophet dreamed everything that was to happen in the last days and was told by God to write it down and make it known to others. Revelations is very difficult to understand because of the symbolism use in it. Alot has happened in the 20th, 21century that has been predicted in Revelations. For instance: the lining up of the planets in1982, the world wars, Global warming(thought its not called that in the Bible) children turning against their parents, brothers against sisters. It talks of famines and disasters like hurricanes. If you haven't read the Bible and are interested, start with the new testament first.  

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