
Can you believe my ex actually asked this?

by Guest65971  |  earlier

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So, I am currently in the process of a divorce but, my ex and I are still living together until he can gather the money to buy me out of our house. We are living in separate rooms and have been for quite a while. We don't hate each other and so far our divorce is really amicable and we are working towards staying friends once this is all said and done. Well, last night we were going over a couple of things and I realize that he is hitting on me?!?! Then he proceeds to ask me if we can be "friends with benefits"!! I was stunned because there haven't been any "benefits" in this marriage in I can't say how long and that is one of the many reasons we are divorcing. Do guys really thing this is ok?!?!




  1. He is just being the stupid man that he is. No wonder the two of you are getting a divorce

  2. Men are stupid.

    Us women can get s*x anywhere......why would we need it from some stupid ex.......

  3. he is scum. wants to have his cake and eat it too...kick his arss out !!!!

  4. So did he get some

  5. This is not at all unusual.  You are now forbidden fruit, therefore he wants you.  If you feel like using him, then do it.  I never went back for this "benefit" when I was splitting w/my husband.  If you do, make sure he uses a condom...God knows where that thing has been.

  6. Yes, guys are DOGS!  Do not do this. Men suck!

  7. Looking over the answers, so far, to your question, shows that the hatred of men by women is common and is quite strong, just as with KKK members with similar views towards blacks.

    Yes, as several men have explained, many men ARE well able to separate out s*x and feelings of love & intimacy, and frankly, we don't see why you women cannot even understand such a simple point of view.

    In a way, he offered you a compliment, because, if your tale of a relatively animosity free divorce is correct, then hes not only not feeling any animosity towards you, but he can still see you as a desirable and s**y woman. Contrary to the error filled views of most women, most men do have standards about what women we'd have s*x with, and hes showing you that you are still at that level of s**y and attractive for him.

    What you choose to do, is your own call. But, if you are ever to date/have s*x with/marry another man in your life ever again, learning about men, and learning that men AREN'T Always Wrong Just For Being Men would be a good way to start.

    Sexism against men is still sexism, which is bad, and which makes answerers who display such naked sexism BIGOTS...  

  8. go and have some fun!

  9. You women really do not understand us men do you?

    We are able to separate s*x and love.

    Accept it.

  10. Well he thinks you are attractive!  :)  If he still wants to be in a marriage with you I suppose it also could be holding on to your relationship and wanting it to continue in some way or other.  To be honest I'm not sure I'd be too surprised about it if I were you.  The emotions around s*x change when you separate.  Thinsg that used to be scary for a person often go away and you become much more attractive suddenly.

  11. Maybe this is his attempt at reconciliation...

    My ex-wife and I occasionally have dinner and go to a movie because we are friends.  A couple nights ago she told me of a conversation she had with a work friend about "dating her ex-husband".  That was the first I heard of that!  I think that she was testing the waters for possible reconciliation.

    Maybe your ex-husband is doing the same.

  12. He just wants s*x.  If you don't mind, then go ahead.   Just don't think anything has changed in your relationship.     He thinks it's easier to get it on with you then go out looking----but if you don't come across, he WILL be out looking.   Men are such pigs  . . . . .

  13. Your ex is apparently no prince, otherwise you wouldn't be divorcing him. This is just another example of his character. Good riddance.

  14. of course it's ok.  it's just s*x...what's the big deal?

  15. Oh yeah hun, apparently they do, my suggestion to this is stick to NO, once u give up the goods to him, he will have all that he wants, a woman that is giving him some anytime he needs it w/out the hard work of actually being in a realtionship, so don't give it up at all.

  16. Don't blame him for trying....after all "Better than nothin' "

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