
Can you believe people still promote National White Socialism?

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Can you believe people still promote National White Socialism?




  1. Well, if Obama gets elected, you're going to see National Black Socialism.

  2. No, it doesn't surprise me but it doesn't make me happy at all.

  3. What's wrong with promoting something you believe in?  Is it wrong to promote NAACP, or black history month?  When there is any promotion of a minority, that's fine, whites try and promote themselves and they're racist?  I don't think so, that's hypocrisy

  4. Yes, but then again I know people and I believe them capable of anything.

    If a person like Rush Limbaugh can have listeners, then anything is possible.

  5. It doesn't surprise me... If Christianity can last 2,000+ years, then National Socialism is just getting started by comparison...

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