
Can you believe "Karen" from Will & Grace is McCain's running mate???

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mean, seriously. Look at the total picture. The glasses. The up-do. The shrill whiney voice. The lack of neurons. She's a dead ringer.




  1. McCain chose a woman in order to attract those vote for Clinton.

    It seems the Human Right in U.S. is just slightly better than 40 years ago. The position of woman is improved but the Black is still at the bottom.

    In addition, Republican's woman is totally inadequate in comparing with Clinton. Seeing the management and recovery in N.O. after Katrina.

    Perhaps, McCain would like to have some fantasy or affair to make work-life balance in his office.

  2. Yeah but there's one major difference: this Alaska woman is anti-g*y whereas Karen certainly wasn't.

  3. All she needs is a southern accent!

  4. I'd vote for her before I would George McSame.  Maybe he'll keel over.

  5. Watch the news not scrpted shows.  His V.P. choice is the Governor of Alaska not Karen from Will and Grace

  6. No, its not Karen, its Marie Osmond who is McCain's running mate.  Come on, keep up!! (wink)

  7. Oh thats good.

  8. OMG, you made me laugh out loud for the first time today. thanks, its been really crappy LOL LOL

  9. Very funny...She sounds like Charlton Heston's love lol  

  10. oooh don't you just hate the taste of sour grapes?

    admit it, mccain wrong footed saint obama and you just can't stand it

    and as for whiney voice ....i'd rather listen to her then have to listen to the polished and rehearsed obama (and he is umm.. errr....ummmm much worse when talking off the cuff......)

    she is a great choice - don't you just love it!!!!!!

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