
Can you believe some school allow paddling for students?

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OMG I found this out a few weeks ago. So, what do you guys think: right or wrong?




  1. what?

  2. Isn't it ironic how as parents if we spank our kids child services can be called and our child can be taken away from us; but if the school spanks our child nobody in the school, law enforcement, or child services has a problem with it.

  3. what is paddling?

  4. deffinetely wrong..

  5. I went to a school that had paddling, it was a small backwoods school, but, the principal at the time was as professional as can be.  You bent over the table and one good swat with a wooden paddle and afterwords you signed the paddle that hung in the hall so even your parents could see if/when they came to the school.  Right/wrong make your own conclusions, barbaric, sure, effective yes.  Most kids who got the paddle definitely didn't repeat their offenses.  It may have helped that the principal was definitely no nonsense and softball coach(he knew how to swing.)  He retired before I left school, and I definitely noticed between the first year of the new principal and the following years as my siblings went to the same school that there were more behavior problems following his retirement.  The next principal did not use the paddle and preferred your soft punishments (ISS which as kids see it as possibly a slap on the wrist and nothing more.)  I cant say if its right or wrong for you, but it sure as heck proved to be effective.

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