
Can you believe that I am defending Obama and I actually feel sorry for him? Please answer with understanding?

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As a Black man I do feel sorry for Obama for several reasons, many people are attacking him but he is truly just an empty suit and really has no control over any of this, please hear me out:

1. Put yourself in Obama's shoes. Obama loses no matter how the election goes. If Obama wins he is a lame duck president controlled by Kerry and Kennedy and God knows who else.

2. If he loses they are going to put him back on the street where they found him. He knows he is not qualified to be President, but he has to do as he his told or they will destroy him.

3.Kerry and Kennedy are just a phone call away from ordering the media to pay attention to all his dirt and he will lose everything.

4. He will have no legacy as the first black president because he is not black. Being a Black man myself, I know we take it seriously who is African American and whom is not. Kenyans, Ethiopians, etc. do not consider themselves African American. Obama legacy is in Kenya not the United States.




  1. Oh po po Messiahbama and po 'lil she creature Michelle.  I sympathize with you.   I have a question however, is he too stupid to see this?  I think he's right in the middle of any dirty politics which might be played out.

  2. No.

  3. I will answer this question as honestly as I can.  I agree with you that Obama is in a pickle of politics and he is held love and hate by powerful democrats.  What I also find is that many of my African American friends do not consider him "African-American".  Yes, he may be black, but look at the difference between Irish American and Italian American amongst white people.  Can anyone really lump us together?  I definitely think not. (I live in NYC).  I do not think that Obama is a bad guy, even though, I'm voting for McCain.  He's young, charming, charismatic, and has everything needed to a BEAUTY contest.  But realistically, he can't accomplish the things he says he will, even though he may try.  Look at how Bush tried to reform Social Security.  Got nowhere in this republic (not democracy).  I really think for Obama's political career, he should have waited a decade to make this endeavor.  Losing a pres election usually kills one's political future as the party never gets behind you again.  Black, white, hispanic, red, purple, turqoise green, I will get behind anyone for the pres as a great candidate.  ****, I would even have taken Obama over Romney.  But look up McCain's history.  Both in life and politics.  He is the right man for the job.

    Not right to make bullshit comments on here people.  You can't say that anyone is un-American or un-African American for not voting for Obama.  We should not judge a candidate by any color

  4. You are not a black man; so don't try that one.  And if you're going to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for those people who are dumb enough to fall into McCain's trap.  He has now shown us how stupid he thinks the American people are.  Feel sorry for those who don't see through this man and feel sorry for his new running mate who is being used like a pawn.  A man who would stoop to this level doesn't deserve to win.

    BTW:  Who are you to decide where Obama's legacy belongs?  He is as American as you are.  His is just as worthy of the presidency as any other American; and he's a better man than McCain has ever been, whether he's a war hero or not.  

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