
Can you believe that even college students are embarrassed if they "read by choice"?

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im 19 and im the balcony of one of my college buildings and i hear this guy in a group of people say to some girl, "you read by choice?" lol. why are some people so embarrassed about liking to read? so dumb...




  1. To be honest, I think it's awful!

    I used to read loads, always have my nose stuck in a book.. but now I hardly ever read.

    This is due to one of my friends being like the guy in that group. She said how reading was 'boffiny' and she couldn't see how anyone could actually want to read and carried on for a while. People starting talking to me about it and calling me a 'boffin' and stuff. After this I just couldn't bear to read infront of anyone again, and I think its a real shame, since its so relaxing and interesting.

    I still read sometimes before I go to bed, but it's not the same.

    Reading really helped me with my school work as well, I noticed my spelling, writing and reading test levels in primary school high above most other peoples.

    Those people will regret saying those things so much later on in life!

    Very interesting question!!


  2. ignorance

  3. it is dumb

    saying that, i read a lot but if anybody asked me if i did i would most likley say no, i guess it comes from school days not wanting to sound like a 'geek'

    either that or you don't want people to think you have nothing better to do,

    reading is quite a lonely thing to do if you know what i mean

  4. Those that think its dumb to read by choice are dumb....literally!

  5. I am thinking that they are finding less important to read then to not read,

    I'm a boy, and I like reading, but when it comes to an word or words that I have trouble understanding what they mean, that when I really need help.

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