
Can you believe that just 5 years ago we were concerned about this?

by Guest21270  |  earlier

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5 years ago gas was $1.70 a gallon. And we were upset about this! Little did we know what was in store for us.




  1. I know! I couldn't believe that we were freaking out over $1.90 a gallon when now we are happy to see the gas prices below $4.00! I think that they are raising them freakishly high on purpose and then lowering them a tad so we think that they are at least not as high as they were and we settle.

    PS- I don't know if that made sense:}

  2. I cycle, and I don't live in the US, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

  3. Oh man, I wish we could go back to the days when it was that low. $1.70 a gallon, I'd have a field day. The thing is, if it got that low again there would be muggings and murders because people would be fighting to get as much as they could because they're believe it'd go right back up again.

    I almost cried when we broke the $4.00 barrier last week. Now we're up to $4.20 in some places.

  4. I will keep on driving til the price reaches 20 dollars a gallon, get over it babies

  5. wow im sorry but thats pretty cheap to most of the world

    $4.00 is still very cheap. in aus its $1.30 a litre and theres about 8 litres a gallon

  6. you 'aint seen nothin' yet!

  7. I'm sorry to say this because I know it's going to be unpopular, but mate, please come here to Australia and take a look.

    For sure, you guys are experiencing rocketing oil prices.

    BUT - ours here are much worse.

    The Aussie and US dollar are about equal at present - and...

    I did some sums, there are about 3.8 litres in a gallon and we're paying about $1.70 a litre at the moment.

    Which equates to...?

    $6.50 a gallon!

    I have sympathy for you to an extent - and I know you probably couldn't give a rats what's happening in Australia, but please guys, be fair - the US might have it hard with oil but we're having a much worse time at the moment so count yourselves lucky, ok?

    Thanks. Because the rest of us don't want to hear about it.

    Oh - and my job as a pilot is being directly hurt by the fuel crisis, day by day, as we lose customers by the minute.

  8. just Waite tell next year. I got to redo my roof and petroleum products are going through the roof d**n.

    edit lol to you folks who this does not bother lmao ah ya ok well all you are doing is turning a blind eye to the fact that all inflation is attributed to this problem, so yes it does effect you like it or not.

  9. In Canada we pay per Litre. It is ridiculous the price! Right now we are paying 1.48 per Litre. And Litres are much smaller than gallons. I heard on the radio the other day that all of North America has driven 11 billion miles less since this gas price surge! That is ALOT, but than there are alot of people. I know for my family, I don't drive more than 30 minutes to go camping anymore, whereas I would go 2 hours for a good spot before.

  10. Adriel wouldn't know cheap if it bit him on the keester!

    There are slightly less than FOUR (4) liters per gallon of gas.

    And for whatever the Euros say about how $4 is still cheap, stop basking in your Shaudenfreude

  11. It's going to be a very cold winter.  My heart is with elderly folks on fixed incomes.  I am happy to have my taxes go into programs to help them rather than corporate welfare or war in the Middle East.

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