
Can you believe that "everything happens for a reason"?

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If so, what motivates you? Is it something more than optimistic idealism?




  1. No way, it's way to general an expression!

    It's kind of an apathetic saying when you think about it.

    You couldn't call an innocent murder victim "a reason" could you?

    I think I'm motivated by competition and observation.

    Competition, in that I love a win at work or play.

    Observation, in that Earth and it's rapists are going through quite interesting times in general, and I'm always amazed at the things I hear and see around.

  2. "Fate" and "karma" are illusions. Things happen because they happen. There seems to be little if any rhyme or reason to life's events I just try to make the best out of what I experiance and learn from it.

  3. Sure because it happened but really we can and should control our destiny ..not allow other's to make decisions that affect without our permission

  4. Ever tried to reason with a dog?  Chances are it does not work that well.  Funny thing is I kept hearing that god just happened even when they think that everything happens for a reason.

    It is time that people understand ego is motivation enough for any human affairs.  All we really needed is a touch of selflessness.

  5. people are quite good in finding reasons, creating seems to me there is really nothing irrational, unreasonable...except axioms

  6. For an order. In a thermodynamic equilibrium, a chaos is the survivor. There is no order imposed on the equilibrium. A reason is the order, it is constructed and imposed on the equilibrium, it is then no more in an equilibrium. I am motivated to be in an order, outside of my thermodynamic equilibrium. I belive that my order will be imposed on everything. This is my optimistic idealism.

  7. yes. and no optimism is involved in this simple yet ever elusive sentence.

    "A reason" is pretty a given answer when you look hard at it. A reason is any reason at all. Thus, it may or may  not be "the reason" we want.

    EX: some dog died. A reason is that it's old. or got killed. It's a reason, an explanation. Don't make it a purpose.

    But i find it more intriguing to say that "everything happens with a purpose entailed."

    And what is that purpose? Find yours.

  8. For everything under heaven there is a reason.  It is usually an opportunity to learn one of life's lessons.  What motivates me is, if it is a positive thing, enjoying it while it lasts, if it is negative, getting to the other side, and learning the lesson the first time around so I don't have to repeat it.

  9. Well, I believe in Cause & Effect...

    ...but certainly not the idea theat the universe or God is conspiring to make all events lead toward a shining happy future.

    What motivates me is the knowelege that LIFE is the only game in town & the certainty that depression is pointless.

  10. Everything happens not for a reason, but because we let them to...

    Harsh, but true words.

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