
Can you believe this? Question for the smokers!?

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Wonderful Ed rendell is passing the law that you cannot smoke in your own home if you have children!! I think that is the dumbest thing I ever heard. What an idiot. That would be the day somebody tells me what I cant do in a home I paid for and pay taxes on. I have a designated smoking area in my home away from the kids. What do you think?




  1. I think we need less government.

  2. It wont work.

    I dont smoke in my house , im a smoker, and id be pissed if the government tried to tell me I couldnt anyhow

  3. fast eddie has some pretty good ideas....this is not one of them.

  4. It's common sense not to do that, but since common sense is very much lacking these days, they have to pass laws.   Big Gov't is Big Trouble.

  5. my liberal side says that smoking is a horrible thing and that your children should not have to suffer from your filthy habits.

    but my conservative side says that the government is oveerstepping its boundaries wayyy too much here. what legal activities you do in your house is private  

  6. That and no smoking in your car with children are 2 laws that will never be enforced. How will it work? Is there going to be a police officer in every house 24/7 to make sure people don't smoke in them? Give me a break. Police have better things to do then worry about if people are smoking on their own property. h**l, the police will be guilty of that too. They smoke too, you know.  

  7. Whats, eddie gonna do a sniff test or what.

  8. well smoking around kids is bad,but i agree with ones going to tell me what to do in my own home

  9. Hang him!

  10. yeah, come in my house and think you're gonna tell me what to do.

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