
Can you believe this happened?

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Can you believe this happened?

my partner was trying to cheat he sent a message to someone but it was my old personals ad on a dating site i have and i forgot was still active, thats how i caught him. what should i say to him or should write a message back?




  1. Writing a message is not cheating. I would pretend to be the other person and continue talking to him, and I will see where our conversations will take us. Maybe it's something innocent. Or something serious. Only then make conclusions.

  2. dang

  3. I would probably do a few things first. I would reply to his message and get a feel for where he wanted things to go, after I had a clear picture of what he is looking for I would confront him, just be aware that he can just as easily turn the tables on you. "Why would you still have an ad on a personals sight, I only did it because I knew you were Blah, Blah, Blah..............."  Just the fact that he was looking clearly points out that there is a problem within this relationship. Whether you want to work on it and rebuild trust with one another is something that can only be answered by the two of you.


  4. This reminds me of the song, "Escape" by Robert Holmes ("Do you like Pina Coladas?").  What's your guy looking for that's been lacking in your relationship?  Under the circumstances, I'd say it's time for a talk.  

  5. wow bro... i mean i go on chat rooms and look for friends but nothing else being that I'm in a relationship and i don't think i would ever have the balls to do something like that... hit on someone... or anything of that nature... and my guy knows that i go on these chat rooms... i mean its a matter of communication ... it sucks that your in this position.... but there's something wrong if hes hitting up guys u know...  

  6. Give him enough rope to hang himself.  Pretend you're interested.  Make it kinky.  Tell him to show up wearing a Goldilocks outfit, and go with a camera.  :)

  7. Gah.  Is there the slightest possibility that he knew it was your ad and is trying to be romantic?

    Otherwise, dump the guy while you still can.  It sounds like he can't keep his p***s in his pants.

    At least he has good taste in men.

    P.S.  There have got to be nice, cute, faithful guys in Grand Forks or Fargo?

  8. Arrange to meet him.... can't talk his way out of that one.

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