
Can you believe this if its true about Sarah Palin???

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According to this article, Sarah Palin, John McCain's VP pick is possibly not the mother of her newborn son. Infact it could be her grandson! Her daughter was pregnant. She covered it up....this almost completely insures Barack Obama as president if this turns out to be true.

Read the article and tell me if you think this holds any to speak.

I'm just saying this sounds suspicious to me...especially the part about her daughter being out of school for 8 months with Mono (thats a stretch) and the fact that none of her aids could tell she was 7 months along in pregnancy (another stretch).

Also the fact she basically made sure she got back to Alaska before the least she's negligent. You don't go into premature labor and then fly 8-12 hours before checking into a hospital...that is extremely odd.

Things start adding up to a cover up in my book....but i could be wrong and all these things just line up perfectly for a made up scandal.




  1. Is it true or not ?  I doubt you know.  But just for argument, what if it is true ?

    Not sure what the problem is ?  Many grandparents today raise their child's children.  I think this is something that the black community could really relate to.  

    So, to compare and contrast,  Barrack said if his daughter got pregnant he wouldn't want her to be punished with a baby.  Therefore the baby would have been murdered.

    Palin would sacrifice to raise the child.

    Who do you want deciding issues that effect your life?  

  2. Could you possably be a bigger fool to believe this c**p?  

  3. Looks like you believe anything the daily Kos says, yep, you're one of 'those', lol... oh you guys take the cake,,,oh lol.

  4. I can believe it.  I've seen some recent family pictures of the Palins, supposedly from February and March of this year, and her daughter does look more pregnant than she does.

  5. Daily Kos?!

    Don't you have a more reliable source?

    Like the Huffington Post?

    And your link doesn't work.  (Thank God, I can't believe I was about to go to Daily Kos)

  6. It's not true.

  7. Once again, DailyKos being pawned off as a LEGITIMATE news source!!!

    Hey, this is real news too!!:

  8. I would believe it... but the baby has down syndrome I believe and that is usually from older parents...??? Who knows  

  9. Since there is no backing I have to call bullshit. Now I know the liberal scumbags and the liberal biased media are going to try whatever they can to drag her name into the dirt. Even outright lie if need be. MSNBC has already has lost all credibilty to me by saying "how many homes does Palin add to the McCain ticket?" in the breaking news section. It must be so frustrating for the biased liberal media. When they attack her for her lack of experinece they indirectly attack the socialst scumbag the dems have, they can't attack her for her being very religous as it would p**s off the cristians. They can't go after her for being very pro-gun as that's what ****** over Gore and Kery. They can try and bring up the investigation but obama is personal freinds with a terrorist (look it up). She's pro-life with a down syndrome child so it's tricky with the abortion issue painting her as against it entirley. And you can't say that she was chosen to appeal to disgrunlted hitlery voters as it would sound sexist. The liberal biased media is really pulling out their hair trying to slander her as they will always p**s of some off their viewers all of the time.

  10. Unlikely.  The baby has Downs Syndrome and this is most common in older mothers.  Palin is 44.  Her daughter must be a teen.  Much more likely Palin Senior is the mother.

  11. lol

    The story has been removed!  My guess is that it had no credible source.  

  12. Daily Kos user "Vanadium", who is an "Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology at Northwestern University" writes, "come on, we're better than this. My wife's an Ob/Gyn.  Palin's experience is not improbable."

  13. Its true. She lied. On sale Wed

    Teen Moms have Downs kids too. Just look at me!

    She lied.

  14. a stupid Muslim lover made that up  

  15. I can't fathom why anyone would use that site as a source. ....It's well documented that some sicko's post on those blogs... I heard they have a new story cooking up about possibly questioning Palin's

    Digg is composed of nerds (eggheads) who have a pro Obama agenda. They only bump up negative stories of McCain and bump up positive stories of Obama.

  16. No it is not true but did you know that Obama and Micheal Jackson  are having an affair.

  17. So what if she covered it up?  What is the big deal?  I certainly would not change my vote because of it.

    I don't see anything wrong with a mother trying to protect her daughter in this way.  What exactly is she doing wrong?

  18. Here.Credit goes to avatar "Meg M' for posting the debunking of Dailykos that thrives on lies.

  19. No.  Of course she didn't lie about having a baby to cover up her daughter's pregnancy.  


    The Governor, a vocal anti-choice Republican, chose to return to Alaska to have her 5th child despite the following risk factors:

    1.  She was leaking amniotic fluid (her water broke) increasing the risk of infection.

    2.  She was 44 years old, a risky age for childbirth.

    3.  The baby she was carrying had known "special challenges" (down syndrome)

    4.  The child was one full month premature.

    5.  She flew from Texas to Alaska on a commercial airline (Alaska Airlines) while while leaking amniotic fluid, a 10 or more hour flight depending on the length and location of her layover.

    6.  She did not inform any of the airline staff of her condition.

    However, Gregg Erickson, a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, told the Daily Kos that the rumors had been investigated and debunked.  

    So it appears that these behaviors are not those of a person faking/covering up a pregnancy but merely those of someone with terrible, terrible judgment.

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