
Can you believe this lib airline pilot?

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Where does he get off talking this trash? Leave it to libs to question their government. Us conservatives NEVER questioned the Clinton administration.




  1. Just another "truther" wasting air by breathing it.

  2. How does he know it's not possible?  Has he tried it?  Obviously it was possible.  He just wants his 15 minutes of fame.

  3. Yes, I'm sure you correct that republican's completely agreed with Clinton, wink wink wink.

  4. These kind of people are everywhere.  I don't pay any attention to them.  They're just looking for something to make light of what really happened.

  5. Without watching the video, it isn't just libs who question our government.  It is the right and responsibility of every American to question government.  Oh and by the way, the right wingers questined clinton constantly.. so why didn't you complain about that?  Why is it okay for the right to question the left but not the other way around?

  6. I guess he is free to say whatever he wants but why is he the only one to come out with a story like this?

    All I know is that innocent people died and my own son could of been on one of those planes. He flew in from Paris and was suppose to go to JFK airport but his plane was re-routed to Logan.He arrived just 4 hours ahead of the disastor.He was flying west to vegas,it could of been anyone that day who just happened to be on the wrong plane .

    I will always be grateful my son wasn't on one of those planes but I don't forget about the families of the victims.

  7. One of the secrets of a progressive country is the right of the people to criticize the government.  Thus, freedom of speech and expression must not be curtailed.

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