
Can you believe this news?!?

by  |  earlier

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How terrible for them/him they couldn't sort it out privately - can he really have done this?




  1. He should be ashamed of himself if this story is true ,sounds like a pathetic little bully as are all men who hit women.

  2. Yes I can believe it. This type of thing happens whatever a person's background whether a filmstar or a plumber or any other occupation. why should they sort it out privately if he did assault them?

    If the story was "Man on the dole beats up mother and sister." People on here would be screaming to string him up.

  3. Anything is possible.

  4. Assault can mean he said 'Mam shut up or I'm gona shut you up!' or somethnig as small as that.

    The media distort everything way out of proportion anyway...

  5. i guess

  6. Yes, it could have really happened. No one knows what goes on in families unless they live it. There are more people abused than what is ever reported.

  7. Anything can happen within families, yes, it should have been sorted out privately!!

    It'll end been embarrassing for all involved!!

  8. There are a lot of Bales i know of in Dorset..but they're mostly made of hay.

  9. I'm afraid nothing surprises me about people any more...

  10. Well they were sorting it out privately...the press get hold of this kind of thing by paying hotel staff! Anyway..he was probably drunk...not that that is an excuse of course...but we dont know any details so we cannot judge.

  11. An answerer has occupied all available spaces to post his opinion.

    No big news anyway.

    Have you not heard of  the  news  that one President of  a country was mating the wife of  his son? Which in your opinion is a bigger news?

    If a family decides not to handle their affairs privately, good luck to them.

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