
Can you break a lease with no written breaking rules saying to keep the deposit?

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My lease agreement is a simple paper saying:

The tenant agrees to pay X money every first of the month for 12 months starting from A until B. A deposit of 1 month is paid at the start and it will be returned at the end of the lease.

How does the breaking of this lease would work?




  1. You have no break lease clause, meaning that you are expected to pay for the full term of the lease.

    You can talk (acutally beg) the landlord to let you out early...offer him 2 months rent plus your deposit.  He can refuse, and depending on what state your in he can do 1 of 2 things.

    1.  Hold you to the full term of the lease and sue if you fail to forfill it.

    2.  He can hold you liable for rent until and if he finds a suitable tenant to take replace you.

    Do you have a sub-let clause?  

  2. You owe rent until B, the deposit really has nothing to do with the lease expiration.    It is valid until it expires.

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