
Can you breed two aussiedoodles together?

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An aussiedoodle is an australian shepherd and a poodle, so...can you breed two aussiedoodles together?




  1. you admitted an aussie doodle was a mutt, and you want to breed them, and you continue to say you are not going to contribute to mutt over population.  That's kinda contradictory.  Also if you believe the "hybrid vigor theory" which is pure bs and is not proven, then well I pity you.  Purebreds are not all inbred, which shows your lack of knowledge.  If I have 1 gene pool, I have a certain chance at inheriting certain problems.  Now, if you mix two untested gene pools together, you double that what purebreds have.  Wow, just wow.  $1000 for a mutt?  Thats a waste of money if i've ever heard of it.  Your a pos byb and don't deserve happiness.  Does it feel good to pimp out your dogs?

  2. Yes.  You can if what you are wanting is another mutt.

  3. Yes, but why?

    2 million+ mutts die in shelters everyday.

    Why make more mutts?

  4. Can you?  Yes.  

    However, there's no point in breeding mutts, creating mutts, or giving them cute little names.

    So should you?  Absolutely not.  Not ever.  For no reason.

  5. There is no such thing as an Aussiedoodle. So yeah, if you're willing to accept that, then breeding two mutts together and getting more mutts is absolutely possible.

  6. No.

    The only dog anyone should be breeding is a purebred and that's only to better the breed.

  7. there is at least some predictability in mixing two purebreds breeding the resulting mixes is a MAJOR crapshoot and technically they can't be called aussie doodles.

  8. aussiedoodle? aka: mutt. why would you do that? don't breed more mutts into an already overpopulated world full of mixed breeds that already fill shelters. not a good idea.  

  9. Yes. But why ?

    We don't need more mutts in the world to add to the overpopulation.

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