
Can you bring a pet parrot in a swimming pool?

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I have a pet Blue and gold macaw and a swimming pool in my back yard.

Would it be safe to bring him in on my shoulder?




  1. I'm pretty sure birds don't drown that easily, afterall they have bird baths and they swish through water rather than actually dive.

    Well your macaw should be alright with the pool.

  2. just be careful! macaws don't have webbed feet like ducks so they can't swim

  3. Parrot do NOT swim, they sink. They're not a natural swimmer.

    The parrot on the shoulder is completely your choice. That will always be debatable & there is no right or wrong answer fro that. Just know what you're doing & know the birds body language to avoid attacks.

    I also suggest you start doing a little research on so called dominance in the parrot world before you suggest such a thing exists.

    But to have a parrot in the pool with you isn't a good idea. If it slips & falls into the pool it can ingest all of those chemicals that're in the pool & they're not healthy for your parrot.

    You can have something like a small paddle pool & only put a a small amount of tap water in it, no chlorine or anything else added to it & have the B&G go in their with you. Make it's shallow enough that he can wonder around in their without it being deep & keep a close eye on him.

  4. I am not sure on that one. I don't think it would be safe due to the chlorine in the water, birds are sensitive to chemicals.

  5. It isn't the ideal situation to put the parrot into. They are afraid of water.

    Letting a parrot sit on your shoulder is a stupid thing to do in the first place. Especially a B&G Macaw. I don't care how well trained that they are, it is still very, very unwise thing to do. In less than a second you could lose a ear, an eye or just plain rip your jaw open. If you own a parrot you should know how insanely jealous they can be when they bond to a owner. They will take a hunk of meat out of you just because you are talking to another person. I can't stress enough the fact that it is dangerous to let a bird ride on your shoulder. You should hold them on your hand just below eye level with you. That puts you in the alpha position. If the bird is higher than you then the bird is going to assume the alpha position in your little group.  Of course it goes without saying that you are the owner and will have to make your own mind up. It is just not a wise thing to do. What  would you do if a big haw was to come by and pick him off of your shoulder? I have had hawks dive and attack my pigeons while they were on the ground at my feet eating their seed. If a hawk will dive at a pigeon it will dive at a B&G in a heartbeat.  Good luck.

  6. probably. as long as u keep an eye on him. i dont think birds can swin in a deep pool....

  7. I don't know why you would want to?!

    Parrots shouldn't be allowed to shoulder sit anyway.  It really isn't safe and it sends the wrong message of dominance to the bird.  Any bird can be as sweet as pie and get startled and take out your ear or your eye very easily.  Higher up, they feel dominant too... not good when you are the one that is supposed to be in control.

    I wouldn't want my bird to even smell the chlorine and chemicals in a pool - much less be exposed to them physically.  

    I hope you reconsider this idea for the safety of your wonderful companion.

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