
Can you bring an iPod Touch on an airplane and use it throughout the flight?

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I'm taking an airplane trip on Saturday and I was just wondering can I use my iPod? Thank's




  1. Not during takeoff or landing.  During flight, you're not supposed to be using the wifi (all Touches have wifi, right?).

  2. course you can

  3. yea totaly just put it on airplane mode

  4. turn off the wifi and you can use it at any time, even when they say dont!

  5. not during take off and landing

    otherwise yeah :)

  6. yeah u can.

    except for take off and landing..

    im taking mine for the long trip to jamaica next wednesday.


  7. All portable electronics must be turned off once the cabin door is closed. The only items you can use onboard (above 10,000ft) are ones that don't transmit a signal. So no cell phones, AM/FM radios, walkie-talkies, etc. The likelyhood of a signal affecting the plane's electronics is small, but would you really want to risk it?

    You can turn your phone on if it has a game or airplane mode, otherwise it has to be off until you land. If you tried to turn it on and use it (other than as an MP3 player), what would probably happen is: 1) A flight attendant would ask you to kindly turn it off and put it away... not so kindly if you ignore him/her. 2) It's very difficult to get a signal at such a high altitude. Your phone would use up all it's battery power searching.

    Even though Mythbusters has had this "busted" and people say all the time they've left their phones on accidentally, there are so many different phones out there, so many providers, phones have tons of different capabilities, that it is not possible to determine 100% there is no interference. For safety's sake, and to avoid being the idiot hauled off the plane for not following the rules, keep them off when the flight attendants say it.

  8. During take-off and landing, you should turn it off. Through the rest of the flight listen to your tunes happily!!!

    P.S. Depending on who your flying with, there might be a radio in the arm rest. If you get bored of your music, plug your head phones into that!!!

  9. hi you

    on take off`s and landing you cant but during the rest of the flight depends on the airline your flying with

  10. Well unfortunately many of the people who answered this question were only half right.  The FAA does not ban portable electronic devices, that is unless they interfere with the communication of the airplane.  So basically if the airline your flying with bans it then that would be the reason why you wouldnt be allowed to use it during takeoff or landing.  Since the radio frequencies used by aircraft are higher than the ones used by many electronic devices, there really should'nt be a problem. You can read more about it here:

    So in short, it all depends on the airline your flying with.  The best way to check would be to visit their website which will have a list of rules and regulations. However you can of course bring it with you on the plane, and when the capt gives the ok you will be allowed to use it in flight. As an aircraft enters its final descent they will ask you to turn off your electronics once again.

    happy flying

  11. Yes you can, just turn on "Airplane Mode". Go to "Setttings" then slide the bar for "Airplane Mode" to "on".

    You can't make or receive calls (it's prohibited), that is what airplane mode does.

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