
Can you bring back milk supply?

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my son will be 4 months old on the 2nd i stopped breastfeeding about a month ago but i would like to go back to it i am getting a drop out of both sides still can i bring back my supply how do i go about doing this i have a medela electric double breastpump




  1. Pump and nurse as often as you can.

    Drink tons of water.

    Drink Mothers Milk Tea and take Fenugreek (both can be bought at GNC).

    Eat oatmeal (not instant, the kind you have to cook)

  2. Yes.

  3. Yes, you can reestablish your supply.

    Either nurse, or pump.... and do it often.  Since breast milk is supply and demand, the more you pump/nurse, the more milk your body will make.  Id start out by pumping for about 10-15 minutes every hour and a half, around the clock.  It's important to pump/nurse during the night too. Since you have a double pump, pump both b*****s at the same time.  Even if milk isn't coming out, keep pumping!

    Fenugreek pills (3 pills/3times a day) will help up your supply.  Along with frequent pumping/nursing. You may also want to consult la leche league too for some support and advice.  

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