
Can you bring your cell phone with you to your Marine MOS school ?

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Are you allowed to have a cell phone in marine MOS school, or do they allow you to make only phone calls there or something in order to make contact ? or is just like letters in boot camp ?




  1. Just make sure not to use it at inappropriate times. They will Jump down your throat on that. (Reminds me of a retirement ceremony for a MG. During one of the long winded speeches the Chaplains Cell went off. That was a riot.)  

  2. You can bring it, but you will have limited times where you can use it. Generally... Only on the weekends and when you're in civies.

  3. Yes you can bring it but turn the ringer off.  It is okay that it rings but your SNCO Instructor is going to tell you as a Marine, turn it off.  Just a heads up.  They won't be demeaning to you, you earned your title!  But you have to apply common sense, right?

  4. naw you can bring it, what school are you going too? I know when i went through SOI we werent allowed to take them out except for weekend, but  yea

  5. MOS aren't in the Fleet yet, but it's like a 9-5 job, only it's from 0500-1630. After that, you're on your own. You can't have a car and you can only leave the area on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Sunday has a curfew, though), but you can order in if you want, go to the gym, go to the rec center and play games/use a computer/have a beer, you can also buy yourself a portable DVD player or laptop and watch a lot of movies.  

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