
Can you brush your teeth whilst fasting in Ramadan?

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Is it allowed to brush your teeth through a fast of the holy month of Ramadan; i'm a sheea - if that makes any difference?




  1. yes you can but try to use mIswak, a better option, as there are tasty additions in paste.

    But no problem in using it.

    can be done.


    According to Sunna (the practices of Prophet Muhammad, Pbuh) and research findings referred in this report, a dietary plan is given:

    1. Bread/Cereal/Rice, Pasta, Biscuits and Cracker Group: 6-11 servings/day; 2. Meat/Beans/ Nut Group: 2-3 servings/day. 3. Milk and Milk Product Group: 2-3 servings/day. 4. Vegetable Group: 3-5 servings/day; 5. Fruit Group: 2-4 servings/day. 6. Added sugar (table sugar, sucrose): sparingly. 7. Added fat, polyunsaturated oil 4-7 table spoons.

    Breakfast, iftar:

    Dates, three

    Juice, 1 serving (4 oz.)

    Vegetable soup with some pasta or graham crackers, 1 cup

    The body's immediate need at the time of iftar is to get an easily available energy source in the form of glucose for every living cell, particularly the brain and nerve cells. Dates and juices are good sources of sugars. Dates and juice in the above quantity are sufficient to bring low blood glucose levels to normal levels. Juice and soup help maintain water and mineral balance in the body. An unbalanced diet and too many servings of sherbets and sweets with added sugar have been found to be unhealthy, Gumma et al. (7).


  3. yes its fine, but make sure you don't get any water in your mouth.

    and obviously don't do it excessively

  4. yaaaa

    it is ok

    but mlswak is better

  5. It is preffered that you brush you teeth just before Sunrise when you wake to eat on a morning.

    However, it is ok to brush you teeth - providing you do not swallow water or the remains of the tooth paste, alot of people like to brush their teeth when they wake up before work as they talk to people during the day. It is very important to be clean, Allah the all-mighty loves clean.

    So don't worry about brushing your teeth, if you have to do it then it's ok - just be careful not to swallow.


  6. Well its not, atleast from the modern methods of using tooth-paste. Use Misvak while brushing 'during' fast. But you should brush your teeth with tooth-paste during 'Seher time' (when you eat before the Fajr azan).  

  7. no it's actually good to brush your teeth after sehri coz then there arent any bits of food left in ur mouth but not during the day though

  8. It is not only allowed, it is demanded!  Muhammed (s.a.w.s.) comanded his followers to use siwak (toothbrush) even during fasting.  Amir ibn Rabi'ah said "I have seen the messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) using a siwak while he was fasting more than I could count".  So brush away just don't swallow and you will be fine.  Ramadan Mubarek to all Sunni and Sheea alike!!

  9. Salam for you. Certainly you can brush your teeth while fasting in ramadan because Islam and Allah love cleanliness. But you must be aware do not drink part of its water.

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