
Can you buy a 200mw laser on the internet in New York??

by  |  earlier

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If so what is the cheapest but good quaity 200mw laser out there?




  1. My understanding is that size is illegal.

    The problem with high powered lasers is the danger of blinding someone permanently.

    And not by directly pointing it at someone! a reflection off any shiny surface will do.

    And there is no way you could turn one of these on in the open and be sure that it won't hit a piece of metal or a wet surface, and bounce off and hit someone standing a block away and blind them. Or bounce back and hit your eye.

    Or use it in a room, and have a reflection go out a window and hit someone a mile away.

    Would you like to have only one working eye the rest of your life?

    When they are used in industry, it is in a room with no windows, and limited access. Everyone wears goggles.


    they have a bunch

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