
Can you buy a hamster as a baby at the pet store?

by Guest57631  |  earlier

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Can you buy a hamster as a baby at the pet store?




  1. YES ma'am

  2. I am a Hamsterologist(if thats even real) i have 2 now but in the past have had 21 hamsters. It depends on the age of the hamster. if you live in the US you should bye a hamster at 7-8 weeks of age.  if you bye a hamster too early you may be taking it at a critical learning age. if a hamster is 4-5 weeks Definatley dont get it because if you do they might not be weened off of milk yet or the mother wont be too happy about it. From 5-6 weeks the hamster is going through a bonding stage which means their learning all the sites and sounds so leave them be if you get one then (but you might want to wait 3-4 days before holding them and if you do get them at 5-6 hold them every other day until at least 8 weeks).

        Ask your pet store person the age of the animals. If th age is 7-8 perfect. 6-7 ok. 4-5 early. 3 and under dont even look at that batch of hamsters.( if there aren't a lot of hamsters in that batch and the babies are 3 or under or 5-4 maybe ask your pet store person the put the hamster on hold or something.)

    Good luck bye.

  3. You can buy them as young as four weeks. At least that's the youngest a GOOD pet store will sell them to you.

  4. The youngest you can buy them if four or five weeks old you cant buy them when they have just been born!!

    mine is 12weeks

  5. Yes!!!!!  You can go to a pet store when a hamster is pregnant and claim one of the babies.  If you ask your local pet store I am sure they can help.  Be very aware of hamster mills for they mistreat the rodents and they can come out very angry and confused.  I am glad for your interest in baby hamsters.  

  6. Yes, they are normally about 4 or 5 weeks old when you can buy them from a petstore.

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