
Can you buy alcohol on sunday where you live?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed that the county I live in, on sunday you can only buy alcohol after 12pm and before 12am

On every other day of the week, it is from 7am - 2am.

The reason I'm asking this question is that a wikipedia article states that libertarians think prostitution is a victimless crime.

This was obviously a way for someone who dislikes libertarians to sabotage the article and make us come across as being naive and stupid.

So now that you know why I am asking this question,

are alcohol sales where you live different on sunday than every other day of the week.




  1. Not until 1pm in WV.

  2. I live in georgia and you can't buy alcohol on sundays

  3. Yes, but I fail to understand the connection to prostitution and wikipedia!

  4. no, sundays are no different for me, I live in southern Washington near Oregon and I know its the same out there, also i went to college in los angeles and California is not any different.

    In fact i didnt even know about the whole sunday thing until i went to the bible belt for work, (georgia) but for us out west is different

  5. your logic makes no sense.

    Prostitution illegality =stupid ?

    Alcohol sales on sunday= Stupid ?

    "libertarians" last i looked they can't decided on anything together

  6. I was driving down to FL from IL, and after driving all day, I had just left Chattanoga, TN and passed into the state of Georgia.

         All I wanted was one lousy stinkin' beer, and I found out that this particular county in GA, if not the whole state, is dry on Sunday.

         In IL, you can buy alcohol any day of the or night.

         If I had stopped driving 30 minutes earlier, I could've had a beer, but not in GA...go figure?

  7. Bars in Texas offer a single can of VanCamp's Beenie-Weenie. The significance is restaurants can begin to pour wine and beer when the church bells ring at 9am. Without the can of VanCamp's Beenie-Weenie, a bar has to wait until church lets out the good sinners at 12 noon. Otherwise, it is wise to get out of the cantinas before closing time at 2am, as the cops lay down their donuts and are on the prowl.

    So, yeah, depends on the Beenie-Weenie.

  8. I live in TN & in my county, no sales before noon on Sunday. And I think the cutoff is like 10PM, so no sales after 10 either.

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