
Can you buy baby turtles from petsmart or petco?

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i was recently at my hometown petstore ( i live in a small town with no petco or petsmart) and was looking to buy a turtle. the owner showed me there turtles (res) and they were all full grown. i asked them if the store ever got baby ones and they said no because they are hard to find. is this true? and if they dont have babys and petco and petsmart then what do you suggest i do to find a baby?




  1. i have two red ear sliders that i bought from our local pet store in houston and i bought them for $6 each and they are about the size of a quarter......also you can just search google for baby turtles and there are baby ones for about $10 each plus s&h

  2. i was looking at my local store and i saw small mississippi map turtles and i thought they must be babies for the size of your palm because there was a fully grown one there too but they were only £15 which is cheap

  3. Yes they do have them sometimes but not always, but even if they did, I wouldn't trust them, since they have to many other animals to take are of, its hard for 1 turtle to get all the things they need, If I were you I would go to a reputable breeder, or just a pet store where they get all the attention and things they need.

    Hope I helped,


  4. I've seen baby turtles at Petsmart before, but they are really overpriced. Browse online at online reptile stores (just search google). The prices are usually fairly reasonable, and you get a wider selection of different turtles to choose from, rather just one or two.

  5. its really hard to find baby turtles in pet stores. i bought mine at a fair a few years ago. most of the time they dont sell baby turtles since it illegal before they r a certain age.

  6. i live in alaska, and our petco's sell baby red eared sliders, they arent very expensive. you might be able to order one. but im not sure.

  7. Baby turtles were declared illegal (any turtle that is under 4 inches) because kids were putting them in their mouths and getting salmonela poisoning.  I think that big pet store chains like co and mart won't have them, but go to a little pet shop in your area and ask them about it.  I just got myself a baby turtle a week ago from a lower end pet store and I love it.  The thing cost me $11.00 but all of the supplies were much more.

  8. We just got a yellow bellied slider turtle today from a local pet store. Petco here does sell baby turtles they were just out of stock at the one in my little town. I would make a phone call or two to find out if the one nearest you has any. Just a thought.

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