
Can you buy beer and wine on a Carnival Cruise at age 18?

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Im 18 years old and for sb im going on a carnival cruise to cozumel mexico. Can you buy beer on the cruise at 18? I know you have to be 21 to buy liquor. From what I heard you can be 18 and buy beer and wine. I know in Cozumel the drinking age is 18. I don't think carnival has any kind of waiver for my parents to sign or w.e.... Does anyone know if im going to be able to do this?




  1. Hi there!

    I'm not sure what "sb" means, as in:  "Im 18 years old and for sb im going on a carnival cruise to cozumel mexico."  I'm REAL interested to KNOW what that means!


    I'll bet I could "PLAY" with "sb" till I take a'stab' at "SPRING BREAK"!  

    As to 'answering your question'...  You ARE doing the 'right thing', as far as ASKING!!!  I'm NOT sure that the ANSWER you are LOOKING for is going to HAPPEN!

    Here is MY take...  You might not like it, but HERE it IS:

    *  18 y/o?  I'm NOT a LAWYER!  But, I have had a few 'LAW' courses...  "I" would think that YOU are going to have to 'GO' with the "LAW" that prevails when that SHIP sails from the PORT where YOU got ON!  If you have to be 21 to 'drink' in CALIFORNIA...  then you have to be 21 to 'drink' on the ship!  (Again, I could be wrong!)

    When you get 'OUT TO SEA', "IF" the 'LAW' changes --- and, IF it DOES, YOU better be 'prepared' for that!!! (Might NOT 'go' the way you are 'hoping'!)

    Even, if you THINK that you 'cross' some 'line', and all of a sudden, an 18 y/o CAN 'drink', when 5 minutes ago (or SO MANY degrees of 'longitude', or 'latitude') changes the LAW, you would be well- advised to ALSO find out HOW that 'LAW' changed!!!

    You MIGHT find-out that after you 'cross' that 'line' it's OK for your Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, or ANYONE esle who has any concern for you, to beat the living SNOT out of you!  (If all YOU are 'excited' about is the 'prospect of getting 'HIGH!', I suggest that you have 'ANOTHER ' THOUGHT!!!)

    If you get to MEXICO, and you get OFF the SHIP, and you go wandering around, and you get DRUNK, and THEY don't CARE how OLD you are, and THEY put your butt in JAIL...  YOU are gonna BE in THEIR JAIL for LONG time!!!  

    I'll TELL you how 'CLOSE' "I" would get to MEXICO!  AND, I would STILL be having 'second thoughts':

    (What I'm saying is that is "I" wanted to SEE Mexico!  Understand, that the following 'comments' assume that I am STILL in the United States - just LOOKING...)

    1)  IF: I was at a 'Border Patrol' station, and they could tell me something to 'point my attention to', so they could make SURE that I saw the same thing THEY saw!  THEN, I would KNOW that "I" SAW MEXICO!!!

    2)  IF: I was on a BATTLE SHIP, or a DESTROYER (last choice), or an Air-Craft CARRIER, and they told me the same thing, but gave me a different 'perspective!'...

    3)  IF: I was in a USAF 'air-plane'!  HIGH above ...  and just looking DOWN!

    YEARS ago, I thought about making a 'sight-seeing-tour' --  to Tijuana(sp)!  Back THEN, the biggest 'concern' was 'catching something', or 'drinking bad water'!  NOW, I wouldn't go to Mexico on a BET!

    " I " want to KNOW that I'll be able to come HOME, to the USA,  SAFE and SOUND! I can go to CANADA and DO that!  And Feel SAFE!  

    I hate to SAY it, but I feel SAFER in CANADA, than I do in FLORIDA!!!!

    I may have 'digressed', but 'I' don't want to 'vacation' ANYWHERE that I need to have 'ARMED GUARDS' walking a PERIMETER!!!

    How come we don't have the same issue with our NORTHERN neighbor???


    What is : "w.e."?  Ok...  SORRY!  I got it ...  It means "what ever"...  That's one of those 'replies' that tells EVERYONE that 'You Don't Care!  (hence the "w.e." - meaning "what ever")





    I hope your MOM and DAD (or at least ONE of them) is going WITH you!  Sorry about MY opinion, but to ME, it sounds like YOU still need some 'GUIDANCE'!!!

    I'd hate to hear about YOU being trapped behind a 'border' that MILLIONS are 'sneaking across' with seeming 'impunity', for the 'crime' of trying to get a DRINK!


  2. No.  And they WILL "say anything" because the card you use to pay for your drinks indicates whether or not you are 21 or over.

  3. no but they won't say anything and any of the countries you stop in they won't care either

  4. I don't think so...I never saw any older teens drinking on the cruises we were on.

  5. I think the guy who answered before is mentally insane.

  6. No you can't and there is no waiver for parents to sign with Carnival.

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