
Can you buy hydrangea seeds to plant?

by Guest57666  |  earlier

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Or do you need to replant an already grown plant? They seem expensive, but also if I plant seeds now, won't they take a long tome to grow?




  1. Because most hydrangeas are hybrids, their seeds would not produce the same plant. Therefore, they are usually not available. Your best bet is to take cutting of an established pant.

  2. you can take a cutting and root it, by placing the cutting in a glass of water , just the bottom part of the cutting, and withn days , it will begin o form white little dots in the watered part then as soon as it has a  couple put it in a container with potting mix, and when its fully rooted you can plant it, but not to  much in the glass or else it will rott, i did that and it worked!!:)

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