
Can you buy "Phileas Fogg Californian Corn Chips" anywhere at all now??

by Guest66485  |  earlier

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I used to always love "Phileas Fogg Californian Corn Chips" but they seem to have disappeared completely......Does anyone know were they discontinued or are they available anywhere???!!!




  1. i believe they are available at some tescos and farmfoods my mum loves them and thats her suggestions!

  2. Tescos still do then and I think Aldi do as well

  3. I used to love them!!!!!

    I don't know of anywhere that sells them now. Try an offie or a corner shop with unusual foods. Sounds weird but they usually stock what supermarkets don't.

  4. I have not seen them over here in England

  5. I ain't seen them in donkeys, do you remember the chiquittas they used to do too? I loved them!

  6. Try Asda tortilla chips, excellent.

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