
Can you buy titles like lord or duke???

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I read somewhere that you could buy the title of laird an dalso could you actually buy the title of duke and count and stuff, thanks




  1. No you can not buy titles of nobility. Any website that say they can sell you a title are fraud.

  2. There are certain titles which go with particular pieces of land. If you own the land, you get the title. They are more or less honorary titles with no benefits associated with them but some of them are quite old. Most of the "Lord of the Manor of..." titles are this type. You are not a Lord nor do you get a seat in the House of Lords but you are allowed to use the title officially such as "John Smith, Lord of the Manor of Bogmarsh" or whatever.

    Dukedoms are granted by the monarch alone and other titles are granted by the monarch on the recommendation of the government. It has been known for some people to put large sums of money into political parties in power to "buy" a knighthood or whatever. The National Party under Joh Bjelke-Petersen in Queensland was very good at this.

  3. It might be possible. I believe Conrad Black bought his title. He is a newspaper baron who used to be a Canadian and now is a Lord in England. I know he didn't inherit his title.

  4. Well, yes and can literally purchase a fake title, however, you cannot expect any sensible person to call you it.  The titles that are for sale are not legitimate, as those titles must be recognised by the government, they simply change your name.  Anyone could in theory begin calling themself Lord John Smith of Chepstow, but in order to actually become a lord or lady, one must marry into a noble family or be created a peer by Her Majesty.

  5. Coming from the direct lineage of the Queen herself, the answer to your question is no.  One can marry into the Royal family and obtain some sort of title. Anyone who claims to be able to sell you a name, is scamming you.  Besides, what's to keep you from just using it anyway? Why would you need to pay someone for that?

  6. It's not so easy now that Tony Bliar has resigned.

    But for £25 ($50?) you can buy a 'Lord of the Manor' title, not that's it worth much.

  7. No. they are frauds. All they do is change your name by deed poll to be prefixed by "Lord" or "Baron". The granting of titles is the sole purview of the Crown.

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