
Can you buy vegetarian soil???

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I'm potting some indoor plants and I don't want soil or fertilizer that has animal ingredients added.




  1. go to your yard and dig.simple but it will have small animals in it. for true vegetarian soil you will need something artificial as all good soils are a mix of crushed rock and dead animals and plants when you get down to the essentials

  2. why? you planning on EATING it? :)

    no but really, try gardening soil enhanced with Miracle Grow, the kind that feeds plants for up to 3 months. It has no animal products in it. oh and by the way stay away from "compost" on any bag of dirt. that means it is made from processed cow manure.  

    also, stay away from anything that says "bone meal" or "blood meal" -- although both of them are great fertilizers, they are from animals. just stick with the Miracle Grow, and you'll be fine.

  3. As far as I know, plants need organic matter and organic chemicals to grow and thrive. Either from bacteria already living in the soil, to worm/animal p**p/manure, decaying animal matter etc etc. worms especially "plough" soil from within. I am not sure how plants can thrive or survive  on "dead" or barren inorganic soil You could add chemicals to the soil as fertiliser but I am not sure if that's what you want either.

  4. Yes, you can!

  5. No problem. Just get potting soil, top soil, or loam.

    But I have to tell you  that manure is great fertilizer and has been used for centuries even by vegetarians in India. My grandfather used to move his hen house every three years and let the land lie fallow for a season and then plant Asparagus. It was the best Asparagus in the state due to the fixed nitrates! He also went to the beach following a Nor'Easter and collected the sea weed for his corn bean and squash field. In those days there was only organic farming and it took some real know how to cultivate vegetables in the sandy soil of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. And I must tell you food never tasted better. My Grandmother used to have a pail of special manure water for her indoor plants too and they were prize winners. But if you want sterilized soil -- go for it. But please don't feed your plants chemicals.

  6. i dont think so

  7. I think most soil is "vegetarian". You'd probably have to go to a lot of trouble to find some meat dirt.

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