
Can you call an ambulance and tell them to come get you if you are extremely stressed and depressed?

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Can you call an ambulance and tell them to come get you if you are extremely stressed and depressed?




  1. I personally think you should instead contact a therapist and a psychiatrist!! You see, ambulances come in extreme cases of emergency, where the patient is about to die. How would you feel if you called an ambulance, and someone else was actually dying and really needed the ambulance to take them to the hospital? Therefore, I think you would even feel better if you go see someone instead. They will also give you better advice as well to how youre feeling and be more understanding of your emotions over long periods of time rather than just one night with the ambulance.. I hope you feel better!!

  2. Sure, but unless  an ambulance is medically necessary, you would end up getting the bill.

       If you haven't seen an ambulance bill recently, they charge $ 350.00 plus mileage. The basis for such a high fee? You are tieing up a spoecialized piece of equipment plus two highly trained technicians.

  3. Yes, but even with insurance it's going to be very expensive.  The paramedics take that kind of thing very seriously and would pick you up.  

    ... I am one.

  4. The answer is yes. Remember this should be an emergency, because someone else with life a threatening condition may need the service. Another thing is be ready to pay the price, the ambulance service is not free. It could cost you hundreds of dollars. The ambulance company will send you a bill. If you can call a friend or family member to take you to the hospital.

  5. Yes, but they'll charge you $500 for the sent ambulance

  6. if you are incapable of driving and you need a doctors help then yeah but other than that you might wanna go see a theripist  

  7. only if your going to kill yourself. but please dont call let them worry about real emergency calls.

  8. ya, suicide is definatly an emergency!

  9. Yes, if you tell them you are contemplating suicide.

  10. Possibly- but I wouldnt

  11. If you want to pay the $50.00 Im sure theyd come get you

  12. Call your local mental health center. Most of them have a crisis hotline.

    And it costs more than 50.00 for an ambulance ride.

  13. If you feel like you will harm yourself, the yes.  

  14. no?

    go see a counselor attention seeker.

  15. i wouldnt unless u were completely serious about like suicide or somthing

    if your just sad and you know just kinda there doing nothing i woulndt i would suggest to talk to someone about it

  16. um i guess.. but i wouldn't. why don't you just go see a psychologist  

  17. hm.. don't instead see a school counselor, or a therapist.

  18. Yes... if you are prepared to be locked up for thirty days on the psych ward.

  19. They'd probably refer you to a therapist  

  20. Yes, tell them that you are suicidal. You will spend about 72 hours in the mental ward in the hospital but you will feel a little better when you get out.  

  21. yes but it will cost you about $900.00  

  22. Yes you can....I am not sure what help they would give you they would probably just talk to you....maybe take you to hospital or get you to see a psychologist...that is if they even turn up at all...I made a complaint to ambulance once for not coming to help my dying relative up off the floor - he couldn't move....

  23. these answers make me feel like no one has ever heard of the god d**n suicidle hotline. they can help.

    if i remember corectly they can get an ambulance and/or police to come to your location.

    If infact you are the one in need of this survice... im sorry... things will get better. keep your chin up high and no that there are people who love and care about you... even i care about you

  24. YES" definitely, you can they will help, and often give you a referral to where to get help instead of calling them.

  25. call a hotline and tell them that you are thinking of suicide and that you are really depressed. they may take your information and call the ambulence. but absolutely if you call 911 they will come and get you. it is as severe as anything else. it is a life threatening disease

  26. If you're capable of driving safely, drive yourself there.

    Otherwise, call the hospital or your doctor to see what you should do.

  27. of course.

    please answer my question-;...

  28. No but you can call the non emergency number or a friend. 911 is for emergencies only and I wouldnt want you to tie up the line and the ambulance while there could be fires, and severe injuries etc. Your local mental facility would be happy to come and get you even in the middle of the night if you do not trust yourself to be alone. they will treat you.

    I read this article a while back and now that i am going to EMT school it seems even more accurate and helpful. it may help you with this ?

  29. u should look for help wherever you find it. but i hink what you should do before calling an ambulance is call a friend and air your feelings out that should help get you through the night. if that doesnt work by all means dial 911 your well being is the most important thing you have in life protect it however you can. feel better bro

  30. yes but they'll likely send a squad car

  31. I suffer from the same feelings and you have to ask yourself what you think you're going to do next. Are you suicidal?

    Either way, ambulances are there to help you whenever you need it and if you need help, call them. If you're just needing attention (which I understand) try calling a friend or a crisis line instead.

    Feeling stressed and out of control is not fun and I sympathize with you. Get help. Call a counselor tomorrow, call a friend, just find someone that can help you get through it. The Boys Town Crisis Hotline is 1-800-448-3000.

    Best of luck  

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