i love my country philippines very much!!!
...my all serioused girlfriends are all gone to other country and settled there!
...since 2001 i work also overseas on some european shipping companies.
...since 2005 i begun to lose my comfort here in my country,,,i even never respect authorities anymore publicly(which hurts me because most of my relatives are of government services.)i lost my feeling of trust in the government,i am losing hope from time to time.
i ask you this question because i am so sorry why i became like this...i knew my grandpa's patriotism,my papa's patriotism to my country!my patriotism back into my college days is over...i was ashamed!!!
i was changed indeed,as my country plunged to the mud of political instability.
....you'll never know who wins or lost in the election.
....you'll never know who was fighting for the people!
....you can never trust the government!
....this country runs like h**l indeed!