
Can you call this social anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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when I'm nervous/unease talking to my friends whom I'm not nervous talking to at all before. and also other people as well. is that social anxiety? considering that i am a very friendly person and talkative before its just that something happened to me in the past and i think it causes all this uneasiness.




  1. Whatever happened in your past could be causing this problem. It sounds like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder..or it could be Social Anxiety..maybe both? We couldn't know.

    It'll be a good idea to see a therapist to help you with this problem.

  2. Sounds like you could very well have an anxiety disorder - however the condition itself is so much more complex than just not being able to talk to someone that you used to be able to.

    There are other symptoms that are part of this disorder that you may not yourself recognise.

    You should see a doctor though if you want a more precise diagnosis.

    Get it sorted and prevent yourself any unnecessary anxiety.

  3. Any tragedies before? Might have caused it.

    I'd call it social anxiety. Just keep talking to your friends about this. If it doesn't get bettter see your doctor.

    It's awful not socialising.

    Hope you get better!

  4. sounds like it..try taking slow deep ur nose & out from ur mouth...

  5. What are u doing?  Smoking WEED?

  6. It sounds like it.

    Could be Post Traumatic Stress.  Go see the doc.

    Hugs :)

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