I'm probably voting for Obama.
If it looks like he's got it locked, I'll vote for Barr instead because I agree with MOST, not all of what Libertarians profess.
There's no litmus test for calling yourself Libertarian.
I agree 100% on personal freedom issues.
I feel they are right on the money with criticism of the Federal Reserve, subsidized monopolies, and other things.
I couldn't disagree more on anarcho-capitalism. It sounds so naive! So I hold off from saying I'm a Libertarian.
But more and more I'm repelled by the Republicrat uniparty! I'm sick of a system that rewards itself for failure with our tax dollars!
The only ones even discussing this are the Libertarians.
I'm finding that the Green party (in part) and the Libertarians (in part) have an agenda that is more in line with what I believe than anything coming out from either major party candiate.
If I was going to be involved with any of them, it would be the Libertarians. But I refuse to defend anarcho-capitalism.
How Libertarian does that make me?