
Can you carry a life insurance on someone with out their consent?

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A lady was telling me her father had life insurance on her and she felt uncomfortable about it.

I told her, "he has to have your permission to have life insurance on you"

Then I thought is that true? That is what I always thought.

You cannot just go take out an insurance policy on someone without their permission?




  1. Generally you would need permission or show just cause for your interest in purchasing a policy on this person.

    There are a lot of factors here that can be taken into play.  Was this policy taken out on her when she was a minor?  If so and he paid the premiums, then he very well could have rights to hold the policy.

    Is this a small policy taken out while she was an adult?  Many times when a person passes, it is unexpectedly.  Is this a small policy to help cover expenses should something happen to her?  As many of us know, regardless the age of the child and marital status, many times the parents have to come in and help.  Especially in cases where the person is not in a financial stable situation.  

    Is this a person that has children and lives a shakey life?  Possibly the father took out the policy just in case to protect the future of his grandchildren.  Maybe they are even the beneficiaries.

    Lots of things to consider and hard to answer without all the details.

  2. A parent can take out a policy on a minor child without their consent and usually without a medical exam or signature from the minor.  

    A parent cannot take out a policy on an adult child without their consent.  The adult child would either have to sign the application or participate in the underwriting process or both.  If the father got life insurance on his adult daughter without her participation then he went about it in a fraudulent manor.

  3. The short answer is no you don't necessarily have to have their consent.  AND, if the policy was taken out before she was 18 he wouldn't have needed her signature.  There are some companies that will not do it without consent, but there are some that will too.

    And, if it's a policy that's small enough to not need a medical exam who's to say he didn't sign her name?

    Hope that helps....

  4. My suggestion is trying to get as much resource as you can before making final decision,here is a good one.

  5. Actually, the insured person's consent isn't required.

  6. tbhere is rule you have to submit full detail to the insuorer company for the minor gurdian can submit those detail but for adult have to submit thair own

  7. It could be that she was a minor when her dad took the policy out.  Once an owner has a life policy, the insurance company cannot take it away just because the insured gets to be a certain age.

    There are very few circumstances where you can insure someone without their consent, but this is not one of them.

  8. Well at least in Florida, if you are the parent of a minor, you don't need their permission, but for an adult, yes you need their consent and there has to be a.... I forgot the word.. either you have to be married or immediate family.

    Hope this help.


    PS. Possibly MBRCATZ will respond, she tends to give out the best answers.

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