
Can you carry a water bottle and snacks in your carry on when flying?

by Guest64644  |  earlier

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I haven't traveled in a few years and with all the rule changes I don't know. I do know wbout the 3oz thing being in 1 quart plastic bags




  1. For the best answer simply contact the airport and or airline you will fly on.  I flew recently and NO you could not carry on large bottle purchased PRIOR to the bag check.  But I think you CAN carry on stuff you bought in the airport after the bag check.  

    Happy flying!

  2. YES u can carry snacks thru the airport security, as long as the snack is nothing resembling jello, jelly, yogurt, u know sort of liquidy!!  otherwise, buy the snacks past airport security at the news stand or mc donalds, etc.  the same for WATER.... u cant bring it thru airport security so buy it PAST security.

    simple as that!

  3. No (Australia); as you could carry on liquid explosives. Even interstate you arnt allowed.

    In Australia you can carry bathroom things as long as are only 100mls, inside a sml plastic bag.

    Ring the airline your flying with or email and ask them for the list of things you can and cant carry with you on the flight.

  4. Within the past three months I have flown 9 times. At no time, domestic or international, was it permissible to have anything liquid on the flight that was purchased prior to entering the "safe" area (after security). Snacks that were pre-packaged were ok on all airlines I was on. (Southwest, Northwest, American, United and KLM) Of course, anything that you can purchase in the area after security can be carried on the plane.

    If you are using pre-packaged snacks, you should be allowed to have them. Otherwise, I suggest not taking them or packing them in very small snack size clear ziplock bags so the security agent can easily tell what is in them.

    Since you have not flown in a while, make sure to check the baggage restrictions for your airline. That may have changed. Also, you will not find snacks and food on board as it was when you last flew. If you have a long flight, definitely plan on taking something with you.

    Have a good flight!

  5. you can carry snacks but not a awater bottle

  6. yes on snacks, but you cant bring a water bottle past security. You can only bring the water bottles you buy after security on the plane.

  7. No only after you are past the checkpoint then you can buy food there.

  8. I do not think you can carry a water bottle and snacks in your carry on. Usually on most airlines they give you free pop and a plastic glass full of ice. An on some of them they even give you a little snack for free. If you are planning on taking a longerflight they give you a free meal for example if you were flying from Minnesota to Mexico.

  9. it depends on what you fly. in most yes you can just .

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